An Incredible Night of Celebration and Innovation
The evening began with a panel discussion, titled “Real Talk on AI, Education and Gamification.” Moderated by BUILD board member Candice Tang , Vice President, Developer Experience & Runtime Platform for Expedia, panelists included: AnnMaria De Mars, founder and President of 7 Generation Games; Principal Amen Rahh, founder and CEO of Knowlej; and Marisol Burgueno, BUILD’s Head of Product and Digital Innovation. Thank you Candice and panelists for an engaging discussion on the future of education!
Thank You For Your Support!
We would like to thank Dayle Smith, dean of the LMU College of Business Administration, for welcoming students and supporters to BUILDFest and for her inspiring words on the importance of entrepreneurship education in an ever-changing world!
We are also grateful to our VIP judges: AnnMaria De Mars; Mark Genovese, Managing Director, Preferred Banking at JPMorgan Chase; Principal Amen Rahh; Tony Safoian, CEO of SADA; and Shannon Willett, CMO of Peacock. Thank you for providing valuable feedback and for your words of support to the student teams during our closing circle!

BUILDFest LA 2024
Congratulations to all of the pitching teams and their inspiring teachers! The awardees for the night: representing San Fernando High School, Team D.R.I.V.E took first place. Serve S.O. from Abraham Lincoln High, placed second; and third place was awarded to Alien Productions from STEM Academy of Hollywood.