2022 Southwestern PA Youth Pitch Competition

Brought to you by BUILD.org

BUILD Graduates

Calling all educators serving middle school and high school youth in Allegheny and Westmoreland counties

Presentation & Slide Preparation

Each business team should submit a 2-3 minute video of their business pitch.
On the video submission form, students should submit a video and the accompanying slide deck

1. Introduction – Greet the audience and introduce yourselves

2. Empathize: Meet our client – Introduce your client and describe their characteristics

3. Define: Point of View (POV) statement – State your POV problem statement (what problem or need you are trying to address with your idea)

4. Ideate: Our idea – State your team’s product/service/campaign idea that aims to help your client

5. Prototype - Your prototype is an example of your product/service/campaign. It can be a skit, storyboard, or physical model. Show a picture of your idea prototype, act it out, or show it for the camera! Explain how your product/service works, or explain how you will launch and run your campaign

6. Closing – Thank everyone for their time

want to talk with us?

Thinking of participating and have questions or would like to learn more information from a BUILD staff member?

Please email Rashaida Melvin at rmelvin@build.org
or fill out the form below.

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Fill out this form to receive a free sample of our curriculum and to receive occasional email updates on how to bring BUILD to your community.



1. iPhone, iPad, Zoom and Loom are all choices of recording tools for their video presentation 
2. Record with both students and their presentation in view
3. Record horizontally for the best view of the students and their presentation
4. Follow Presentation Diagram to the Right


- Make eye contact with the camera
- Notecards may be used as cue cards
•Pro Tip: Notecards should avoid having a full script
- Even when you are not speaking, don’t forget the camera is still recording!
•Be aware of your body language while you and your business partners are speaking
- Everyone has an opportunity to speak
- Professional dress is encouraged
- Practice makes perfect
•Practice how you will transition from each speaker
•Project your voice when you speak​

Follow positioning format Above

Download a Sample of Our Curriculum

Fill out this form to receive a free sample of our curriculum and to receive occasional email updates on how to bring BUILD to your community.