Complete 10 Hour Design Challenge
Video Pitch Submission Deadline
Top 10 Teams Compete with Live Virtual Pitches
Top 4 Finalist Teams Selected
Finalist Teams Pitch to Panel of Live Judges
All criteria are judged on a scale of 1 (room to improve) to 4 (exceeding expectations).
Clear voice projection was used.
The Design Challenge can be implemented in all settings with teens. Educators across the country have delivered the Design Challenge in academic courses, CTE classes, enrichment programs, and at Community-Based Organizations and nonprofits (Ex. Boys & Girls Club). The challenge takes about 10 hours to implement. It can be incorporated as a project-based learning unit to help youths learn empathy and practice designing solutions for communities.
All competition video submissions are due by end of the day of March 20th.
Competition video submissions should be submitted at this link. The submission form asks for the following:
It takes about 10 hours to progress through all 5 stages of the design challenge and to prepare the pitch.
The final 4 teams will meet during the school day on Thursday, April 20th, between 9am-2pm to pitch their business idea to a panel of judges.
You will be informed on Friday, March 17th if your team will advance to the next round! If yes, teams should be prepared to deliver their pitch live on Zoom to a panel of judges on either Tuesday, March 29th, or Wednesday, March 30th. The top 4 teams from this round will move on to the finals on April 20th, 2023.
The video pitch should be 2-3 minutes long. Your in-person presentation may last between 2-5 minutes in order to give teams more time to thoroughly explain the details of their business pitch with the judges.
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Fill out this form to receive a free sample of our curriculum and to receive occasional email updates on how to bring BUILD to your community.